Middle Eastern Dance Resource Guide:Costuming, Etc.

Filler The Middle Eastern Dance Suppliers category lists vendors of a broad variety of belly dance goods including some or all of the following: beads, beading, costuming, jewelry, zills, canes, scimitars/swords, musical instruments, imported goods, videos and music. The other vendor categories list other suppliers of various goods who may or may not market these items specifically for belly dancers.

Now there's also a website swap page, where you can shop and swap your ME dance related items. Look for it under "swap page" on the USA listing.

Middle Eastern Dance Suppliers

Fabric, Sequins, Trim, Patterns


FAQ's and Articles:


| USA Dance Suppliers | International Dance Suppliers | Fabric, Sequins, Trim, Patterns |
| Beads | Costuming and Care Tips | Zills (Finger Cymbals) | Dance Shoes |
| Costume Headgear | Customs of Makeup and Decoration | Henna |

Last Modified: 28 Jan 1998
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